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Comments from Attendees

Last year nearly 500 participated in the Women in Agriculture Conference. Many attendees reported it was one of the best conferences for women farmers because it offered practical information they could use right away and made a difference in the way they handle their finances, communicate with other businesses, organize their day, network with other women and improve their business operation.

Here’s what women are saying about the Women in Agriculture Conference:

“The conference inspired us to take our farm to the next level. We upgraded our bookkeeping methods and now know what areas of our farm make money and the enterprises we either need to improve or quit doing.” 

“I’m less afraid to contact potential customers because I learned how to do it from someone who is very successful!”

“I went to the conference to support my young student and I realized I gained so much for me. The presentations and networking with other women encouraged me to examine my time management and realistically evaluate my objectives.”

“I used my Personal Action Form and accomplished just about everything I planned to do. That was great idea to write it down with a date to get started!”
